Franchise Guides

10.8 Jason Takes (A Ship to) Manhattan: Friday the 13th Part VIII

Franchise Guides Season 10 Episode 9

Ahoy! Start spreading the news, Jason is heading to New York and as they say; it ain't the destination, it's the journey! Join the gang as they experience roughly 20 mins of what Jason Voorhees in New York looks like and it's safe to say everyone was having a better time on the way there. This is a heartless cheesy mess, unfortunately with none of the campy fun that we got in Part 5: A New Beginning. This movie also leaves GC, Jen & J scratching their heads as to just what year this is supposed to be if this high school senior experienced a young Jason trying to drown her in Crystal Lake? That toxic sewer sludge couldn't come soon enough, this movie made the guides sea sick.